MD110 Convergence MD110 Convergence Communications SystemEricsson’s MD110 business communi-cation system delivers a new architec-ture to support an in
2The Mobile EnterpriseWith the introduction of the MD110the grand vision of the MobileEnterprise has materialized. Mobilitythrough integration of cell
3DAMPS or UMTS, can be made anextension in MD110. The same appliesto any fixed line subscription support-ing touch-tone signaling and callingline iden
422 11 15Personal number4To ensure voice quality, priority mecha-nisms need to be supported both inthe underlying IP-network and in thetelephony appli
5When free-seating users need to workfrom the office, they simply log on toany free telephone. This telephonethen has the toll-bearing class, mes-sage
from Ericsson Enterprise are the tradi-tional MD110 call center and the state-of-the-art contact center SoliduseCare™.Open InterfacesOpen interfaces m
Typical MD110 All-Contained Module Configurations1Stand-alone or branch node 1 cabinet 2 cabinetsDDiiggiittaall ttrruunnkkss 30 60Analog + digital
EuropeEricsson EnterpriseAvenue du Bourget 44 BourgetlaanB-1130 BrusselsBELGIUMPhone: +32 2 745 12 [email protected] Europe, Mid
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